How to Plan a Workshop: Learning about inaccessibility from disability activists

The original version of this blogpost had ableist language, as pointed out by the activists of the Kenya Network for Women with Disabilities. We extend an apology to persons with disabilities and the women of KNWWD. We also wish to thank KNWWD for so generously correcting us and offering to educate us on ableist language […]
New job, new culture, new world: making the home office work

By Fiona Imbali The last time I held a full-time office job the world was a very different place. The covid-19 pandemic had not struck; working from home was unthinkable; and work-life balance was a far-away aspiration. A month after I left that job to take on flexible consulting assignments, the pandemic struck and everything […]
Taking Action on the Climate Crisis: How WMS plans to work on the Climate Crisis

Free books! Competition! By TEAM WMS Well, we made it to February! And if the last year has taught us anything, it is that we must all play our part. The covid-19 response is all about our own personal contributions to the bigger system, our responsibility each to act for the good of others. We must work together to thrive and if we all do our part, things will get better! That applies to individual people wearing masks to protect their fellows and it applies to governments supporting Covax to protect their fellows. […]
We’re hiring! WMS Strategic Communications Associate

Meet Kenya’s Falling Walls Finalist 2020: Farida Nzilani

Every day hundreds of young entrepreneurs, both aspiring and experienced, swarm the Hustla MBA social media platform for advice and solutions to the challenges that they are facing – be it thinking about saving money, or debating between opening a vegetable stall or a chips stand. Hustla MBA offers the answers.
What I learned from giving a TED Talk

Exactly a week ago, my TED Talk about Colour in Faith, a project about countering fear through social practice art was published. The talk is less than twelve minutes long but it took me a lifetime to prepare for it! Those twelve minutes were prepared over months and days of working with my colleagues at […]
Insights PODCAST: election EXTRA

LISTEN to the THIRD episode of the new Well Told Story INSIGHTS Podcast
Insights PODCAST: social practice art

LISTEN to the second episode of the new Well Told Story INSIGHTS podcast To listen: CLICK HERE (19 mins)
Insights PODCAST: politics & governance

LISTEN to the first episode of the new Well Told Story INSIGHTS Podcast
Elections: how young people could ‘change everything’

Next month Kenya goes to the polls, with national elections across the country. Everyone is hoping for peaceful politics and mass participation. But expectations are, it’s fair to say, cautiously realistic on both counts.