Well Made Strategy

Learn to
like a matatu!

A matatu, dala-dala or minibus taxi is Africa’s most popular mode of transport. And matatus are quite a learning experience in communications! Matatu conductors must telegraph their destination, collect payment, get passengers on and off, protect the vulnerable and excite the unenthused. All coordinated with many competing interests, the weather, congestion and the traffic cops.

Well Made Strategy believes that communications must be similar: intentional and deliberate, a team effort, done continuously and adapted for different audiences, just like a matatu’s conductor and driver!

Well Made Strategy helps you negotiate the traffic.

What we do

Strategic Communications

Learning Progams

Coaching, Advisory and Support

Crisis Communications

Narrative Framing & Storytelling

How we do it

1. Discovery

We seek to understand the issue we are working to improve or resolve at its core. Most change must happen inside people’s hearts and minds. Using a mix of scientific and progressive research approaches, we seek to understand first then develop possible solutions. We call this Ground Truth ™

2. Design

With clarity on the enablers, barriers and opportunities to engage audiences, we then design a communication strategy, which has smart narratives, defines the audience, scope the channels and have clear indicators of success.

3. Delivery

With a strong and pre-tested strategy, we then go into the actual initiatives. These range from face-to-face meetings to full on media campaigns. We offer support and help, working with trusted story tellers, creatives, producers and partners who will get you in front of the right people at the right time with the right message.

4. Dissect

At WMS we focus on the outcomes. Process indicators are important though they are useless if we aren’t moving the needle or getting closer to our most important goals. As an ongoing process, we continuously review, learn and iterate out initiatives and course correct.


Working with Well Made Strategy was a mind-changing event. It’s not just about evidence, the evidence must prompt action.”

Dr. Benta Abuya
Chief Researcher, APHRC

Communications can open up innovation and creativity and is a great opportunity. But if you had asked me this question before the communications workshop, I would not have had the confidence to act. Management would have been asking: Is the team ready? Not anymore.”

Head of Measurement and Results Management

The reason we contracted a global expert is because this is central to what we are trying to do: to meeting our targets and galvanizing the market. Communications is where the rubber hits the road.”

Finance and Markets Specialist,

How we think


UNEA 5, Climate Action for People and Nature

Photo: Kenyan Minister for Environment and Forestry Keriako tobiko joined Inger Andersen, Executive Director UNEP and Espen Barth Eide, President of UNEA 5 during UNEA 5 deliberations. Source UNEP By

Strategic Collaborators


WMS Comms Handbook

To download the Strategic Communications for Social Change Handbook please provide us with your details below