A quiet revolution at Well Told Story

After seven years of exciting work as a division of Well Told Story, our consulting team is entering a period of transformative growth. Since 2009, Well Told Story Consulting has been growing alongside Shujaaz and our other media, sharing the skills and lessons we’ve learned in strategy, media and communications to help our clients harness […]

Discussing youth radicalisation and migration with African experts

Last month our Head of Media, Julian Macharia, & Senior Technical Advisor, Everlyn Kemunto, were invited by the Hanns Seidel Foundation to attend a round-table discussion in Brussels on Youth Radicalization. The objective of the visit was to give the EU a more grounded understanding of the local realities around radicalization and violent extremism in Africa.

After Action Reviews: the power of the ‘feedback loop’

My favourite kind of meeting is an ‘after action review’. It’s that meeting when you get the team back together again, once the dust has settled, and you talk about what happened, why it happened, and how it could have gone better.

Strategy is a process, not a document

We often get asked by organizations if we will write them a communications strategy. We could, but we won’t. Because we believe that strategy is a process not a document.

Don’t forget to ASK

On a recent trip to New York, I was intrigued to find that notoriously rude New Yorkers are a lot more polite than their reputation suggests. And they were particularly well-mannered on the subway, once one of the scariest metropolitan railways in the world. Could it be the 2015 subway campaign, encouraging people to behave better? And […]

Auto-play video is changing everything

If you’d have told me a few years ago that the future of social media was text-heavy 90 second videos, I’d have laughed you out of the room. But ‘auto-play’ video on Facebook and Twitter is changing the game, when it comes to digital content creation.

10 top tips for researchers who want to change the world

Let’s face it, a lot of research just gathers dust on a shelf. An analysis of World Bank publications once showed that a third had never been downloaded, by anyone – ever! Most researchers I meet want to change the world, it’s just that very few of them know how. They sweat blood doing the […]

The Little Big Thing

Everybody’s talking about ‘the little big thing’. We’re all working on big things: ending poverty, reducing maternal mortality, gender equality, financial inclusion, universal education, action on climate change… But sometimes we forget about the little thing, that makes the big thing happen.

Policy briefs in a swimming pool

There’s a time and a place for everything. But the best time for policy briefs is not six o’clock in the evening at the end of an all day conference. And the best place for policy briefs is not at a cocktail party, and certainly not floating on the surface of a hotel swimming pool.

Hands up: who’s in the room?

I’ve just been at a conference attended by 450 people from all across the world. In the opening session, the facilitator asked for a ‘show of hands’: “Hands up: who has come from another country in Africa?” “Hands up: who has never been to this country before?” “Hands up: who is sitting next to someone […]

WMS Comms Handbook

To download the Strategic Communications for Social Change Handbook please provide us with your details below